Editorial Staff
17/01/23 13:09

Editorial Staff
17/01/23 13:09

DNA launch Policy Document

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has launched what it calls a Policy Document leading up to the 2023 General Elections. ‘

The Document, entitled “Vision 2040: A Better Antigua and Barbuda is Possible” is an architectural blueprint for our country’s sustainable economic and social development.

The DNA says within the first 100 days of election into office, it will seek to address several issues affecting the country.

They said they will consult with the stakeholders – technicians, businesses, farmers, the public, and others to put measures in place to resolve the water crisis.

A DNA government is also promising to consult with Ministry of Finance technicians to implement mechanisms to temporarily reduce duties and taxes on freight costs for imported goods and lower the ABST on goods and services.

They will also hold nationwide consultations for the diversification of the economy and implement the strategies designed to facilitate the emergence of new industries and sectors to increase employment and revenue generation. Implement the Mega Wealth Tax.

The DNA is also promising to appoint a Commission to begin National Consultations on desired reforms and set a time frame for holding a Constitutional referendum.

In terms of health care, the DNA will Conduct an audit of the community clinics, Clarevue Psychiatric Hospital, and the Fiennes Institute, implement rotational night clinic services, and renovate, upgrade and resource these facilities to improve the standard of care for a growing population.

A review of the salary structure and benefits for all healthcare workers and providing mental Health Support Services, is also on the cards, while in education, they intend to hold broad-based consultations with stakeholders regarding the redesign of the education system to support and expand the existing curriculum.

After engagement with policy stakeholders, a DNA government says it also intends to develop a national environmental plan, determine the levels of expertise required to transition the country to green energy and create new and sustainable environmentally friendly jobs.

And where tourism is concerned, talks will be held immediately with key stakeholders regarding the diversification of the economy and tourism product and increase support to small businesses involved in the tourism sector to secure jobs and increase revenue.

Another issue of concern to the DNA is road infrastructure and the party says if it forms the next government, it will conduct a comprehensive road audit across both islands and create a schedule for the commencement of works to put more people to work and reduce wastage.

In the field of agriculture, the party intends to Liaise with key stakeholders to develop a national food and nutrition security plan designed to reduce imports over time. And, increase the list of concessions to farmers, fishers and agro-processors on equipment, machinery, stock, and other inputs to support job growth.

Their intention is to also implement Whistle Blower Legislation and establish a Commission to receive reports of incidents of misconduct in public office.


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