Editorial Staff
27/01/23 11:55

Editorial Staff
27/01/23 11:55

Jamaican charges for identity theft of his brother

A Jamaican fisherman has been charged by lawmen there for several criminal offenses, including stealing the identity of his brother

Errol Anthony Baggo, a 34-year- was on Monday, charged with two counts of forgery, two counts of uttering forged documents, and one count each of obtaining a forged driver’s license and conspiracy to defraud.

Police say Baggo stole the identity of his brother, Delando Baggo, and “using that information, took steps to obtain a driver’s license”.

During a spot check by police, lawmen say they checked the Tax Administration’s database, only to find out that the image that appeared on the driver’s license that was presented by Delando Baggo did not match the one that was in the TAJ system.

“The RPD was contacted and its investigations into the matter proved that on July 7, 2022 and August 29, 2022, Errol Baggo went to the Port Maria Tax Office, where he took steps to apply for, and obtained a General Driver’s License in his brother’s name,” according to reports.

Anthony Baggo was arrested and charged and was subsequently offered bail in the sum of $100,000.

He is will appear in court on February 9, 2023.


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