Editorial Staff
04/02/23 16:36

Editorial Staff
04/02/23 16:36

Jennings students benefit from Health Outreach program

Students of the Jennings Secondary School are now better educated on Diabetes and how to prevent it.

Recently, the Rotary Club of Antigua and the Antigua and Barbuda Diabetes Association continued their Health Outreach Partnership Program and Jennings Secondary was their next stop

Over 120 students and members of staff participated in an Education and Screening exercise on Risk Factors for Diabetes and other Non-Communicable Diseases, NCDs. Diabetes

Alarming statistics from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicate that 13 percent of people living in Antigua and Barbuda are diabetic, putting them at increased risk of heart attack, chronic kidney disease, blindness, and stroke.

At the event, tests included blood glucose, cholesterol, blood pressure checks, weight, height, and body mass index.

Participants were also offered counseling and education on healthy lifestyles and the prevention of NCDs.

Students participated in an exhibition on 100 Years of Insulin and a demonstration and sampling of breakfast shakes and smoothies.

Partners included the Ministry of Health, the Medical Benefits Scheme, the SLBMC, and the Antigua and Barbuda Association of Nutritionists and Dietitians.


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