Editorial Staff
05/02/23 16:55

Editorial Staff
05/02/23 16:55

Seismologist not concerned by recent earthquake activities


A regional seismologist has said that recent earthquake activities in Antigua and Barbuda and the rest of the region, especially recently, should not alarm residents.

On January 20, Antigua, including Guadeloupe and other neighboring islands was rocked by a 6.1 magnitude quake and several tremors were reported throughout the week.

But the University of the West Indies Seismic Research Centre (SRC) is saying there is no need for panic or worry.

Nevertheless, officials are urging citizens to consider these events to be reminders to stay prepared in case another large quake occurs.

SRC Seismologist Dr Rodrigo Contreras-Arratia said in an interview with Loop News,  the activity for 2023 is not alarming.

According to research, for the year there have been approximately 25 recorded earthquakes with seven occurring in the last six days.

“The Eastern Caribbean is an active seismic zone and is driven by the subduction of the North American plate below the Caribbean plate. We record moderate-size earthquakes along with larger events annually and the Centre has always advocated the need to be prepared for large-size earthquakes,” he explained further

Saying, that the magnitude 4.6 and 4.8 quakes “are completely normal in a subduction zone and are not evidence that there is an escalation of activity. “Nevertheless, a larger event could happen in the region, as has happened in the past, and we must be prepared for such scenarios”

“Be prepared for any earthquake event. Have emergency plans and kits in place and ensure homes and businesses are earthquake safe. Practice earthquake drills at home, school, and work.

“During an earthquake, stay calm. Drop, cover, and hold on. Do not use elevators and stairs. If outdoors, remain outdoors. Exit buildings once the shaking stops, do not re-enter if compromised. Listen to official government agencies and follow the guidelines from the UWI Seismic Research Centre.



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