A woman from Gray Hill reported that her house was broken into by someone unknown who stole $4000.00ECD, USD 200.00, three Gold Rings, and one Gold Chain.
The value of the stolen items is unknown according to police who claimed that the incident occurred at 4:a.m on Monday.
The woman reported that she was sleeping in an eastern bedroom when she was awakened by a noise in the living room. She said when she went to investigate, she saw a male figure dressed in all dark clothing about 5ft 6 inches tall, slim, dark in complexion, and wearing a cloth mask over his face with holes cut out in the eyes area.
He said to her “don’t make noise, I am not going to hurt you.”
The masked man asked the woman to follow him into her bedroom while he requested cash from her.
She told him that she doesn’t have any money but he ignored her completely. He then began to search through her stuff where he found the cash and stole it, along with the jewelry.
The man made good on his escape through a front door in the living room
A search was carried out in the surrounding areas for the stolen items and any person that fits the description without success.
. Corona Done
Mask still a.RUN..
Everyone is.a Suspect..
Lost All Respect..
Quite a PROJECT!!!
This intruder had to know she had that amount of money with her. I hope it wasn’t box money.