Editorial Staff
21/03/23 06:18

Editorial Staff
21/03/23 06:18


The Development Control Authority wishes to advise the public of a scheduled demolition set for Monday 3rd April 2023, in accordance with the Physical Planning Act (2006) Section 34(8)(c) which states that the Authority may require a person who has been served an Enforcement Notice to take several steps to remedy the breach which led to the aforementioned including demolition or removal of a building in whole or in part.

Town and Country Planner Mr. Fredrick Southwell is seeking cooperation from Mr. George Looby of Cooks New Extension, who bears responsibility for property located on block number #54-1489A, parcel number #1181, registration section Five Islands.

Mr. Looby is being asked to contact the Development Control Authority immediately at (268) 464-5223 or (268) 775-2290.

The DCA satellite location can be found at the Ministry of Housing, Lands and Urban Renewal building on Friars Hill Road.

Failure to comply with previous written correspondences will result in demolition where the property owner must pay the costs associated with the removal of the structure.


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