Editorial Staff
22/03/23 07:41

Editorial Staff
22/03/23 07:41

UN team to assess West African migrants in Antigua

UN agencies, two of them, are expected to send a delegation to Antigua and Barbuda next week, to conduct what is expected to be a rapid assessment of the West African migrants who arrived in Antigua on several chartered flights

The government is still trying to assess the situation, since many of the Africans, mainly from Cameroon claimed they were tricked into coming to Antigua, with the perception that they would be placed on a connecting flight to other countries

According to ABS, the International Organization for Migration and United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees are expected to spearhead this move and have already “reaffirmed their willingness to support the Government in addressing the issue”
The news came to light in a letter to the Development Commissioner, Ambassador Daven Joseph, from the United Nations resident coordinator for Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, Didier Trebucq. The letter was dated March 20 according to reports.

The team will be in Antigua and Barbuda for 7 to 10 days according to reports, to better understand the needs and the intention of the West Africans Migrants. Hundreds of them are still on the island.

The matter according to the communique is expected to be handled in accordance with international law.

The African nationals have expressed a willingness to remain here and not return to their homeland pointing out that the latter could be fatal.

The government has been looking at ways to regulate those who chose to remain on the island.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    better than return and die fir nothing


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