Editorial Staff
20/04/23 06:12

Editorial Staff
20/04/23 06:12

Public school teacher arrested for drug possession

While teachers were engaged in their industrial action yesterday, one of their colleagues was arrested for drug possession.

Apart from the illegal substance, large sums of EC and US currencies were found in his possession.

The male teacher employed at one of the island’s public schools had in his possession, one pound of cannabis valued at EC$2000 and several cannabis plants.

It is alleged that over EC$8000 was also found in his possession, in addition to US currency.

He was arrested at his home and is expected to be charged soon.


  1. Mae

    A lot of the teachers push drugs in the public schools just like the students, so this is nothing new. I myself have warned a few teachers about it for years. They won’t listen so I pray and leave it to God. I know God will fixed it and He did.

  2. Anonymous

    Money gah fuh mek, teacher salary not enough. But when u do de crime u got to serve de time, that amount wasn’t personal use


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