Editorial Staff
03/07/23 14:44

Editorial Staff
03/07/23 14:44

Former PM fined $500 for Contempt of Court

Former Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer was fined by Judge Jan Drysdale after his cell phone rang in court this morning

The court was currently hearing the election court challenge brought against the UPP’s Kelvin Simon on his nomination as a candidate for January 2023 general elections

From the start of the court proceedings, Judge Drysdale, instructed all persons present to turn off all cell phones in the court.

However, a cell phone was heard ringing during Mr. Marshall’s presentation on his client’s behalf.

The judge demanded to know whose cell phone was disrupting the court. Former Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer admitted it was his cell phone.

The visibly angry judge imposed a fine of $500.00 on Mr. Spencer.


  1. Anonymous National

    Lesson learned. Turn off Mobile phones in Church and Court.

    • Steven C. Mayers


    • Steven C. Mayers

      He will prove this by publicly agreeing with the judgement, admitting his mistake, and asking us to appreciate his humble example.

  2. Mae

    What? Someone couldn’t remind or check to make sure Mr Spencer turned off his phone. Where were all the UPP comrades?

    • Steven C. Mayers

      As long as the former PM does not suffer from impaired hearing and he was present in the court at the time that Judge Drysdale issued the warning, HE HAS NO EXCUSE.
      It is very disrespectful to ignore a Judges order in his court.
      Well done Judge Drysdale, though it can be rescinded later, it has served its purpose, in that it has demonstrated to us commoners, that in Antigua and Barbuda , NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW.
      I am quite sure that the ex PM appreciate s the judgement, because I believe that he would not have aspired to be the PM if he did not have love for our people and our education.
      While America is being made a fool of by Trump, I am proud to believe that in my Antigua,, we seek to dispense Justice on an EQUAL BASIS.

  3. Spliffy Leaks

    The Boss like he a get down

  4. Anonymous

    The judge willfully do that if it was brown he would let it slide wicked people time will tell

    • Steven C. Mayers

      The ex PM’s neglect was a simple oversight. It could happen to anybody, but it was dealt with properly. You will grow to understand the necessity of Judge Drysdale ‘s order.

  5. Anonymous

    In Antigua the High Court and magistrate courts is full of corruption and collusion at its highest. I have seen it first hand today in the traffic magistrate court smfh. These judges and magistrates need to be expelled and executed for their dishonestly. Forthwith.

  6. Love for humanity

    A judge is a lawyer and a lawyer is a……..?

  7. Truth

    He is still the most upright Prime Minister this country ever had.

    • Dragon

      Ask John Ashe investigators

      • Mae

        Who without sin cast the first stone? Even though he has faults like any human on earth, he is still the most humble and upright Prime Minister Antigua and Barbuda ever had.

    • Sad But True


      Baldwin Spencer, a former Prime Minister of Antigua & Barbuda, has been cited as having received portions of the bribes paid to ex-diplomat Dr. Ashe

      “Spencer is reported to have received two separate payments of US$170,000 and US$100,000, from Dr Ashe.
      The United Progressive Party (UPP), which Spencer once headed, and in whose administration he served as Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, acknowledged receiving monies that had been donated by former ambassador Dr John Ashe.”


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