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Yenifer Bridge and Achazia James
Dear Editor
Who could possibly be accountable for the heartbreaking loss of our teenage girls? What could drive someone to commit such irrational acts of violence?
This morning, I write with a heavy heart. As a mother, I can’t help but feel a deep sense of dread at the thought of such a tragedy befalling any of them. We urgently need to take action.
The untimely deaths of our young girls cannot be allowed to continue. My thoughts and prayers are with their families and loved ones during this incredibly painful time. This senseless brutality shakes the country that I call home. Achazia deserved so much more than this tragic fate.
As I reflect on this, I can’t help but envision the fear that must have gripped her as she faced her attacker.
The sheer terror she must have felt in those final moments is unimaginable. I picture her instinctively raising her hands to shield herself, only to suffer further harm in that horrific encounter.
How can anyone find peace at night after committing such a heinous act against a child? How can anyone rest easy after reading about this tragedy? Certainly, the family of this girl cannot.
The individual responsible for this atrocity will face consequences, whether in this life or the next.
Yenifer Bridge also met a brutal end. Abducted, assaulted, and strangled at just 16 years old, her life was cut tragically short.
These young girls were taken from us far too soon, in the prime of their lives, robbed of the chance to achieve their dreams.
Achazia will never experience high school graduation, college, marriage, or the joy of watching her children grow. Instead, her mother must bear the unimaginable pain of outliving her daughter.
Similarly, Bridge will not witness her son’s growth, missing out on precious moments like his third birthday and the joys of parenthood.
My heart aches for Antigua and Barbuda and bleeds for those left behind. This nation desperately needs healing and hope.
Mighty God my heart bleeds, as a mother oh God,
Justice, justice.
We live in a fallen world. Prayer is not every thing nut answers all things. Begin to pray in the Name of Jesus. And get results. I pray in the Name of Jesus that the killers are found. No matter where they are hiding they will be found today. We dispatch the waring Angels of justice to find them. Bring them out of their hiding place and expose them to the fire of the Holy Ghost. Let them begin to confess in Jesus Name. The wicked run when no one is pursuing them. Pursue them Angels of God. Let justice reign in Antigua and barduda. Amen.
You made me cry. Your letter is full of humanity, just the kind that that damn killer doesn’t have.
Sharon I just read this and I cannot stop weeping. I never realize that these girls will not get to experience milestones in life like graduation and getting married. Whoever wrote this must be applauded. Thanks for the timely information
Some situation needs on your knees intervention. This one certainly does. Let us call a fast and prayer nationwide and pray for this nation. We cannot lose another teenager to senseless killings.
Yes we need a prayers for this nation
This is so sad we as mothers feel this mother pain seeing your daughter being killed in such a hurtful way 😭😭 how can people be so wicked
It is sad that our young ladies have been treated like this. I mean what are the parents doing about it. Do you all know your children’s friends? Do you know who your children are talking to on WhatsApp?
Some are on Facebook.Do you know who befriends them on Facebook. Is this a derivative of marijuana smoking? .
Just asking.
Marijuana don’t have nothing to do with that,that is the results of weak mentality
Johnny Jon Baptiste, don’t use Marijuana as a shield or a vessels to hide the pure evil of her attacker. That person had there irrational perspective and ended her life. Marijuana has nothing to do with that.
Signs of the end of times we need to get closer to god,pure evil work
Something has to be done to stop these kind of things,it looks bad on the generation of today
Sad news,another bright future ruined I sometimes question why these things happen
tears in my eyes,rest in peace my little friend
Innocent little children trying to make it out and these men are jus killing them for nothing God needs to put a hand
This is pure wickedness these two young girls taken away from they family because monsters leave among us
It’s like this is becoming a trend smh rip
Strength to the families of the deceased.
There are dangerous species in this world and we young people needs to understand that and be very careful about them because idk what went wrong with she and who murdered her but I’m sure it’s someone she came out with and the person was watching her as somebody he want and she wasn’t watching it that way
This really needs to stop in our little antigua and barbuda the women can’t even be safe enjoying their selfs smh healing and prayers up for Antigua And Barbuda
This is really really really sad seeing a mother cry for her child who is only 15 years and someone walks the streets everyday knowing they committed these kinds of acts but there’s one thing for sure if u don’t get justice in this life you will surely get it in the other Ashazia your life was cut short but u are in a better place than this wicked earth rest in eternity 🙏
There’s nobody on the earth who can say they saw who did it but there’s a God above who saw and watched her suffer and you will suffer the consequences for that R.I.P Ashazia and Yenifer may yall souls live on
I just can’t stop thinking about these young girls why did someone have to hurt them so bad ? They even went as far as chopping her arm off life smh
Right now we as mothers need to get close with our daughters know they every much ask them to always be honest send you they location say what car they boarding who’s driving them everything
Hats goes off to the mom who wrote this letter we the moms feel it 😭 let’s protect our girls
This is so sad 😭
There’s is definitely someone out there going after young girls trying to get into they minds hoping to use them off and when things don’t go there way they force they self onto them and kill them after they need to get caught because they won’t stop they feel like they keep getting a way with it
This is just so disturbing i feel these mothers pain seeing your child losing her life in such horrible way the amount of pain she suffered the amount of scream she scream
She is just a child why do people gotta be so wicked on this earth
Wicked people in this place alone God protect our people
Rip and condolences goes out to their family
We need more stuff like this letter we need this letter printer and put up to protest to send the message out to stop killing our young girls
Smh sad sad world we living in
You have a serial killer on your hands, Antigua Police are worthless, time to invite Scotland Yard!!!!!!!