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Caucasian Man Abandoned at SLBMC; Urinates on Patients, Insults Nurses
A disturbing and challenging situation has unfolded at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center (SLBMC) involving a Caucasian man who has been abandoned at the facility.
For approximately a week, he has been residing in the emergency room (ER) department, spending his nights sleeping on the chairs, a scenario that has raised significant concerns among both patients and medical staff.
Sources at the hospital told that initially, the man was brought to the hospital by emergency medical services (EMS) after being found in a distressed state in a garage at Cassada Gardens.
Upon his arrival, staff promptly tended to him, providing essential medical care as he appeared disoriented and in need of assistance.
However, as time progressed, his behavior took a troubling turn. The man began to act disruptively, creating an unfortunate environment for other patients seeking care.
Reports indicate that he urinated on fellow patients and verbally assaulted the nursing staff with derogatory remarks, adding to the already strained atmosphere in the ER.
He takes off the protective diapers meant for him and chooses to urinate on himself instead. Reports suggest that he also discards the hospital clothing provided and opts to stay unclothed, creating disturbances on a regular basis.
Though he rarely speaks, he often murmurs softly. Hospital officials are eager to find a solution that meets the man’s needs while also safeguarding the comfort and safety of other patients and staff.
Yet, the mystery lingers: who is this man? How did he end up in this situation? Where are his family members?
Is Clarevue not an option? This man clearly needs psychiatric assistance.
Who writes these articles? Why are you sensationalizing and scandalized the man? A more compassionate route would be to use the platform to call for assistance in identifying the person in need, not describing his bathroom and clothing habits.
A clearer view of the situation is needed
Is everyone aware that this might be the norm at the hospital? Take a visit to the medical ward 4th floor. There are also elderly patients, both male and female who are left there.Some of the relatives would visit now and then to bring things for them. The nurses have to care for the sick patients and endure the hardship of caring for these elderly, some of whom are smearing stools on the walls. Something urgently need to be done.
This is so sad this man needs help mentally and physically hope he gets the help he needs
It could be that the individual has dementia. Aren’t there any facilities in Antigua that cater for individuals like this?
He was found in a garage in a distressed way and taken to hospital by the EMS does not classify him as been abandoned. Maybe he is a vagrant. How ever better care should be taken of him. According to the information given he has issues that needs to be looked after..
Mr. Editor,
I am reading here That This Abandoned Elderly Man has been in the Emergency Room for at least 1 week Now …… Disturbing the Patients, Nurses and The Environment of A CRITICAL Area of the SLBMC.
Can I ask Who is In Charge of the ADMINISTRATION of The SLBMC and WHY has THIS Person/Persons not TAKEN ACTION to CORRECT This Situation?
Thanks to the Person who has publicized THIS Situation at SLBMC …. It is only when such occurrences are made PUBLIC that Persons in Authority get the message that THEY should have done/should be doing something to ADDRESS The Situation.
We pray that URGENT Action will NOW be taken by Persons in Authority at the SLBMC.
The great outpouring of sympathy for this caucasian is mindboggling! There are, unfortunately, many local residents who seem to be in dire need of attention – medical, human, social – but receive NONE! It is really interesting to note all the expressions of empathy and concerned from our citizens for this “sick ?” Caucasian and not a drop for the many demented, impoverished, abandoned that we KNOW OF and SEE on a daily basis, who allegedly are refused access to EMS/Ambulance services when clearly required. This common disease so prevalent in Antigua and Barbuda called Self-Hate is what is retarding our national growth and productivity and gives rise to enabling institutions like the UPP in its current form, churches for the most part, self-serving social organizations who fear the “revolutionary approach” ( not the kind espoused by dimwits like George Wehner) but are not afraid to tackle the problems at the root level and restore the country to its original formula of a village raising a child. We don’t need any Caucasian cast off occupying our time, efforts and resources in exchange for piss and disrespect. It’s high time to salvage what little self respect we have left. Turn the man over to the nearest British Consulate/Embassy soonest!
You are really hopeless.
We are so ready to defend a Caucasian non- national then our own Antiguans or CARICOM brothers and sisters. Would it be the same response if he was an elderly Jamaican or Guyanese that decided to assault and make racial slurs to nurses and other staff members and urinate on patients. I don’t think so. Do you think they would be allocating resources for you if you were in his country? Absolutely not !
Not y’all fighting in the comments about race… the man clearly needs MENTAL HEALTH CARE. Where is Clarevue in all this? 🤔
Please please cause them nurses n doctor up dey na easy wa the man come from haffu do with them treating him poorly chupzzzz
why you gotta be so nasty tho?? Even if you don’t agree with Marsh, that homophobic comment ain’t it chief 👎
Agree totally
Everybody wanna talk about crime but nobody wanna talk about WHY our youth turning to violence… we need better opportunities fr fr
Nah but real talk, we can’t keep playing politics with people lives. One death is one too many regardless which party you support 💯
When did our ER become a long-term care facility?? This situation needs URGENT intervention from proper authorities 😤
As a healthcare worker, this is totally unacceptable! Our ER staff already overworked and now have to deal with this? Where’s hospital administration in all this??
R u just lazy that is what bout over worked are u want sleep and stand Pon phone whole night and ignore the patients talking bout over worked a are u bad attitude towards patients that’s crazy blaming it on over worked
The real story here is the complete failure of our mental health system. Why hasn’t he been transferred to appropriate psychiatric care after A WEEK??
Working in healthcare, this kind of situation more common than y’all think. We DESPERATELY need better mental health facilities!
So nobody gonna talk about how hospital administration let this go on for A WHOLE WEEK?? Make it make sense! 🤯
This can’t be the same people that treated the Africans the way they did. Could never be
Race shouldn’t be a factor to be left on seating for a week is disgusting, if he had mental issues or onset of dementia then he needs to be put into care. He may not realise what his saying or his actions shame
Faithful National is such a clown, the same treatment this man is getting is the same treatment anyone gets at that hospital, it’s terrible service. That’s why all these politicians go off island for medical care YAH BIG DUMMY. Antigua has no hospital it’s a big joke. I wouldn’t take a sick dog to that place.