Editorial Staff
06/02/25 06:20

Editorial Staff
06/02/25 06:20

Major Road Repairs Continues Across Antigua and Barbuda

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The Cabinet of Antigua and Barbuda has announced a comprehensive plan to address the urgent need for highway and community road repairs throughout the country.

In a recent meeting, key officials from the Public Works Department—including the Permanent Secretary, the Minister of State, the Director, and the Deputy Director—provided updates on ongoing efforts and future projects to enhance the nation’s road infrastructure.

To expedite repairs, teams of workers will continue conducting nighttime operations, allowing for minimal disruption to daytime traffic.

Notable projects include the completion of several concrete roads in Pares Village, Weirs, and Lightfoot, with a complete repaving of All Saints Road also underway. The Cabinet revealed that the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) has allocated a significant sum of US$5 million to fund these repairs.

This financing will be used to purchase new equipment, bolstering the capabilities of the Ministry of Works and expanding the list of roads targeted for repairs.

Among the roads identified for improvement are notable routes including Hermitage Bay, Bathlodge Road, Buckley’s Line, Bellevue, and Herbert’s Highway, as well as others in St. John’s and rural areas of Antigua.

Furthermore, the Government is set to allocate over $50 million specifically for road construction projects in Barbuda.


  1. Island Girl

    We need the roads repaired. Need need need. My vehicle drives with a knocking sound. I know it is because of the roads. I hope that we can have better roads in this place

  2. Antigua Surf

    “MAJOR ROAD WORKS”, yet still no proper road for even a Mack truck to drive on, how sad. Antigua.News please stop helping these people to lie to us about anything to deal with roads around this country, all these roads are fixing and by the time they done a whole bigger than the ocean appears

  3. True anu

    All roads in antigua needs to be fixed to many potholes worst thing to drop down in these potholes painful this needs immediate attention jack


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