Editorial Staff
27/02/25 08:31

Editorial Staff
27/02/25 08:31

Tomlinson’s New Public Cemetery Set to Welcome Burials by Next Month, Delays Due to Rain

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CABINET NOTES: The new public cemetery at Tomlinson’s could begin to receive burials by the end of next month.

The roads within the cemetery and the parking apron have been delayed primarily by rain, which makes utilizing cement and other materials untenable until the soil dries.


  1. Juju Bee

    How many times are we going to hear this. Its like every month they say next month. Let’s just see what excuse they gonna blame this time when it doesn’t open in a month

    • Tired

      The truth is the land is water logged so we will soon see some floating bodies once they use this ground… they just need to speak the truth

  2. Stone

    The next excuse will definitely not be lack of clients, but rain and flooding is going to be a continued problem because of the lay of the land

  3. Unruly One

    Prime Minister said someone was rushing to go in there before it was finished lol. Got to love the PM. Good from the Governement.

  4. Antigua Surf

    Hope it’s not rushed, let this be done well!!


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