Editorial Staff
09/03/25 10:43

Editorial Staff
09/03/25 10:43

Chevy Trax Stolen in Bathlodge

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Stolen Vehicle

Authorities are investigating the theft of a Chevy Trax belonging to Marylin Mulling. The vehicle, with registration number A 53344, was reported stolen at approximately 3:30 a.m.

Residents are urged to remain vigilant and report any information that may assist in recovering the vehicle or identifying the individuals responsible for the theft.

Anyone with knowledge relevant to this case is encouraged to contact their nearest police station.


  1. Stone

    Vehicles don’t come with steering locks anymore????

  2. Statesman#2

    They cannot hide the vehicle for long. So they hot wired it? Where was the key. Such desperation in this little country

  3. Faithful national #1

    You mean that they have already started to deport the criminal from Trump land?

  4. Luka Johnson

    OMG These things shouldn’t happen

  5. Ju

    Here we go again with them damn thief. Work for what all you want

  6. curious

    what is this a tarl? every other day it looks like we all need powerful car alarms

  7. Antigua Surf

    “Touch not the lords Anointing”. My dear Pastor Mulling, your vehicle shall be returned on to you. And I pray that God reveal these thieves! Reveal in the worse way possible!

  8. Rhea

    Hmmm, I guess these thieves don’t rest! People can have their belongings and be free. Foolishness

  9. Food4thought

    Wicked people. Return the people vehicle now. I don’t know why people don’t just kill these thieves. Enough of the police reports, give the news some REAL BREAKING NEWS

  10. Devorn Carter

    You work hard for your earnings and somebody come along and take it. How crazy. Yall return the people vehicle

  11. Real Talk

    A car is not a needle. I am sure she will find it. I hope it is not used to transport bodies or commit criminal acts. For the love of god i pray it is not found abandoned and burnt


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