Editorial Staff
09/03/25 13:19

Editorial Staff
09/03/25 13:19

Maria Bird Browne: A Voice for Change in a Male-Dominated Arena

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Maria Bird Browne

In a political landscape often characterized by gender disparity, Maria Bird Browne stands out as the lone female representative in the Lower House.

Acknowledging the challenges of her unique position, Browne candidly shared her experience, expressing, “It gets lonely being the only woman…It is challenging because men do not see things as we women do. It would help if we had more women…”

The wife of Prime Minister Gaston Browne, Maria initially aspired to become a doctor, driven by a desire to serve others. However, her passion for public service led her to embrace a career in politics.

Browne stated, “I always wanted to help people,” underscoring her commitment to making a positive impact on her community.

While acknowledging that “being in politics as a woman can be a daunting task,” she believes the struggle is worthwhile, particularly when the focus is on assisting marginalized groups.

“Helping the marginalized is at the center of my heart,” Browne remarked during a recent interview with Chaniel Imhoff on ABS.

Despite facing disappointments and setbacks, Browne remains undeterred.

She emphasizes the importance of having a seat at the decision-making table, especially for advocating on behalf of women and girls. Through her role, she aims to champion their causes and inspire more female participation in politics.

“The biggest challenge is not having enough support as a woman because, according to her, women are afraid. “Especially when you are in the midst of mudslinging, when you have words being thrown at you, you are being lied on, this has been the most disheartening aspect in politics for me”, she said

She also encouraged women to “never give up”.

As Browne continues her journey, she hopes that future generations of women will find their voices in the political arena and ensure that their perspectives and needs are represented.

Her unwavering dedication serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring female leaders in a landscape that still has a long way to go in achieving gender parity.

Maria Vanessa Bird-Browne is the current MP for St. John’s Rural East. She became the youngest law marker in Antigua and Barbuda since 2018

She is the country’s minister for Housing and Public Works.


  1. Kristen

    Way to go Maria. We need more women in politics. Politics in the caribbean is usually dominated by men and I agree some of them are very scared to come to the forefront. Remember the Iron lady from Dominica who was an exceptional prime minister. Portia Sympson Miller, Kamla, Mia Motley. These women should be a reason why other females should never remain in the shadow

  2. Juju Bee

    Because if the distasteful nature of political campaigns I think that is one if women’s main deterrent in getting involved in politics.

    I do wish there were more women in the Lower House leta hope sone brave souls come forward

  3. Kathy Antoine

    I have one word. “A Gem”

  4. Ghetto Yute

    We need more girls lika that

  5. Unruly One

    I like how she conducts herself professionally. No ghetto behavior like the others.


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