The Dominica Labour Party (DLP) has launched its new slate of candidates to contest the next general elections, replacing ten parliamentary representatives in the process.’
We’ve made it easy for you. Here’s a breakdown of who’s in, who’s out and those who have not been replaced.
Lets look at those who will no longer serve as MP’s.
Gone are:
Nichols `Shanks` Esprit-Salisbury
Kent Edwards – La Plaine
Catherine Daniel-Colihaut
Dr Kenneth Darroux- Petit Savanne
Roseline Paul -Paix Bouche
Rayburn Blackmore – Mahaut
Ian Douglas – Portsmouth
Reginald Austrie – Cottage
Addis King-St Joseph
Joseph Isaac- Roseau North
Meet the new canidates:
Ronald Royer- Cottage
Lakeiya Joseph-Paix Bouche
Julian Defoe- Petite Savanne
Miriam Blanchard-Roseau North
Dr. Cassandra Williams-Laplain
Lynsia Frank-Salisbury
Darren Pinard- Colihaut
Fenella Wenham-Portsmouth
Darron Lloyde -St Joseph
Cassanni Laville- Mahaut
Returning are:
Dr. Vince Henderson-Grand Bay
Shakira Hypolite-Roseau South
Gregory Rivière-Marigot
Fidel Grant-Wesley
Cozier Frederick-Salybia
Denise Charles-Soufriere
Dr Irvin Mc-Roseau Valley
Octavia Alfred-Castle Bruce
Mellisa Skerrit-Roseau Central
Gretta Roberts- Morne Jaune/Riviere Cyrique
Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit thanked those who have served his party, saying that they have “done well”
Thought they would have never gotten rid of them old heads like Blackmore, Austrie and Ian.
Can they have an election without an opposition though?