The minority party, the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) has secured nominations for its 16 candidates slated to contest the general elections on January 18th, 2023.
This is the first time the electorate will have candidates from 3 political parties in all constituencies in Antigua.
DNA President, Joanne Massiah, remarked says her party is humbled to have secured nominations for all of our candidates.
“We remain confident and optimistic that the electorate, having weighed the three (3) parties objectively and dispassionately, will conclude that the DNA is the best option for Antigua and Barbuda’s future development as we represent the real change which is urgently needed now,” she said
Massiah says her party, encourages the voters to remain focused on the issues facing the country like the lack of water, unsustainable national debt, crumbling infrastructure, the economy to include the minimum wage, unemployment and under-employment, the escalating cost of living, crime, our failing healthcare plants.
“We are persuaded that our plans, policies and programs will excite the electorate as they are designed to diversify our economy and to deliver our motto, Prosperity For All! Our candidates will continue to work in the trenches to meet the people, listen to their concerns and recommendations and to share our party’s transformational leadership philosophy,” she said.
Meanwhile, the DNA announced the replacement of its candidate for the St. George constituency
Benjamin Quinland, was duly nominated to contest the upcoming general elections in the constituency. The vacancy arose following the resignation of the previous candidate.
Quinland is an airline Pilot by profession and a patriot at heart whose family lineage spans the Potters, Pigotts and New Winthorpes communities.