Editorial Staff
11/01/23 13:05

Editorial Staff
11/01/23 13:05

Eight more days, expect eight more lies-Jonas

The Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) candidate for St George Dean Jonas has told a political rally in his constituency that they should brace themselves for more lies and innuendoes from his political opponents over the next eight days.

Residents will vote to elect a new government in eight days; on January 18th.

And Jonas said he expects that in the days leading to the general elections, there will be concocted stories and fabrications against him.

“Eight more days of desperation. I’m telling you all expect eight more big lies. They start already…ignore the lies and deal with what is real. Pay no attention to their lies and the crocodile tears that they like to lie. Eight more days if you want betterment stick with Dean Jonas,” Jonas said last night

Jonas, the former agriculture minister and now in charge of social transformation and the blue economy, will continue to advocate for his community.

He said the government will continue the development of sporting, with the construction of an aquatic center in the community.

“This is what we are about. Giving opportunities to young people,” he added

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Gaston Browne said he will continue to work with Jonas to build out the socio-economic infrastructure of the community.

“I appeal to all the people of St George to continue to support Dean Jonas,” he said.

Browne also talked about the economy and where the ABLP plans to take the country

“This year in 2023, we expect to grow the economy by approximately 8 to 8 and a half percent. In 2022, we would have grown the economy by 8.3 percent…Assuming that the funds from Five Islands start to flow early, there’s no reason we cannot do as much as 10 percent this year,” Browne said

He said once the economy continues to expand, more jobs will be created, and the government can create more jobs and address several issues

‘It means pensioners can get their increase as well as public servants,” he said.

Jonas was also endorsed by other members of the ABLP, witnessed by hundreds of supporters fully clad in red.


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