Editorial Staff
27/01/23 18:20

Editorial Staff
27/01/23 18:20

Africans say they will be killed if they are sent back home

A number of West African people experienced accommodation problems on Christmas Eve (Photos by Gemma Handy)

While the government makes preparations to repatriate the Africans who were left stranded in Antigua, the Cameroons are pleading for protection.

They said they cannot return to their violent stricken country and would instead want Caribbean heads to negotiate and present them with a form of documentation to grant them access at any port of entry within the region

“I pray the Antigua and Barbuda government and its Caribbean associates grant us access with a document that may back us up as refugees to any port of entry and exit within the Caribbean territories”

“We the Africans present here in Antigua, we are not happy being here but due to the situation back home (civil War) which led to over 8000 thousand killed, and human rights violation comprises tortures, humiliation, etc this has caused us to leave the country for our security. We plead with the government of Antigua and Barbuda to grant us protection” the Africans wrote in a letter

They are asking that the Gaston Browne government look for ways to prevent them from going back home.

“Maybe the government should look for a way out for us to leave Antigua but not return to Africa. Most of us lost everything before embarking on this journey through the Antigua airline which was the only way for us to leave Africa. Some of us lost everything since we have no families back home, no house… because of the current situation from 08 to 09 years now”.

“When we hear of the Antigua airline, we said it was God’s arrangement for the youths because our lives are in danger. If we are deported, some of us will directly be killed or jailed.

“I pray the Antigua and Barbuda government and its Caribbean associates grant us access with a document that may back us up as refugees to any port of entry and exit within the Caribbean territories”

The Africans insights that they don’t want to live under the “dictator regime of Paul Biya and its ministers

A flight from West Africa; not Antigua Airways-transported hundreds of Africans to Antigua late last year, leaving them stranded on the island, with some having no arrangement for accommodation.

The Cameroons have said publicly that they were tricked into believing that once they get into Antigua and Barbuda they would be able to get to the US.

Some of these men and women say they spent over $5000 to get to the island on the chartered flight.


  1. Mae

    Africa is a big continent which has 54 countries. They can go to another country in Africa. Why stay on a small island where there is not much opportunity, expensive as they claimed, where Africa has some rich countries?

    • Roytoy

      Maybe if you walked a mile in their shoes you might understand Mae

    • Mike

      There is a difference between riches and when people tell you their lives are in danger without wars in Africa do you think anyone can ever visit this small country like Antigua, they are asking for protection not your opportunities that you dnt even have. Other Africa countries have their issues with wars and lack of human right if Antigua return them it will clearly show they are not different. No want will ever come to this country of not for circumstances beyond their control

      • M. C. W

        If they are so poor how could they afford to pay for the flight to Antigua?
        Why didn’t they say when they first arrived that they are fleeing their country.
        I don’t believe what they are saying I believe that we will pay a high price if we allow them to stay. I am not being unsympathetic but some thing is not right.

  2. Shawn

    There’s already a good number of them spread across different neighboring countries around west Africa and they’re going through horrible conditions. Most countries around them are politically unstable too and very poor to accommodate thousands of them. Check and see for yourself on the internet. It’s very pathetic. What we see in Antigua is not even upto 1/100 percent of the displaced citizens of that country. It’s just normal to see that they taught amongst themselves to try a different continent that is more profitable, considering the duration of their lives that has been wasted running around and losing loved ones. If it were you, trust me you’ll do same. I spoke with one of them personally and I cried. His whole family was killed and only himself and mother left alive cuz they escaped into a nearby forest. And thousands of them have faced similar or worse situations. Now what will you do if nature puts you in such a situation? It’s deeper than just going for greener pastures. Most of them are the only hope to the only person left in their lives. As a small island, let’s not also forget that what goes around comes around. Keep them here or grant them safe passage into wherever. It doesn’t cost anything.

  3. Anonymous

    Please Antigua and Barbuda government don’t send Southern Cameroonian back. They escape from war, and many others Cameroonian are in others neighboring countries. The Southern Cameroonian youth are the target of cruel and inhuman Regime of Paul Biya. thousands of youths we’re kills in southern Cameroon, if you send them back, they will go to permanent imprisonment or kills like others. please they need your protection. They are not out to take your citizens jobs. They need protection above all other things .
    Protection for southern Cameroonian in Antigua
    Protection for southern Cameroonian in Antigua
    Protection for southern Cameroonian in Antigua
    Southern Cameroonian are scare to go back because they will be kill
    There is Civil war in Cameroon that target English speeching youths
    Lot of families kills by the cruel regime on Biya
    Please protect southern Cameroonian in Antigua
    Protect southern Cameroonian in Antigua
    Please don’t repertriar southern Cameroonian, there’s war in Cameroon. They escape from war.
    They are seeking for refuge, safety.

    • Akom

      if you know what this people are passing through before running in Antigua ; no one will even think of sending them back


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