Editorial Staff
10/03/23 11:16

Editorial Staff
10/03/23 11:16

Students dismissed at Jennings Secondary as teachers are protesting

Students at the Jennings Secondary School were sent home early today because teachers are refusing to teach them.

These educators are demanding the presence of two security guards on the school compound, following a decision taken by the Ministry of Education recently.

According to a policy, once the school has more than 400 students they are expected to have at least two security guards.

Teachers say for the past couple of days, only one officer has been present on the school’s compound.

Their action started Wednesday and could run into Monday, according to a teacher who spoke to us on the grounds of anonymity.

The said teacher told us that their unions are “not saying much”

The issue of security at schools on the island has been a hot topic in recent times, following several break-ins and attacks in broad daylight.

The teacher confirmed that other schools on the island are taking similar actions, including the Ottos Comprehensive and All Saints Secondary School.


  1. Anonymous

    Give them what they need

  2. Mae

    CXC is just around the corner and these students need to be in the classroom. The authorities within the Ministry of education, please do your job and provide the schools around the island with proper security protection!!! You within the Ministry of education have to realize that we are living in the twenty-first century and times have changed so move with the times. As the old people does say “that the sins of the fathers are trickling down and destroying society.”


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