Attorney Wendel Robinson
Attorney Wendell Robinson is applying for bail in the High Court on behalf of his client after it was denied in the Magistrates Court
Micheal Samuel of Bathlodge, who was arrested and charged for allegedly attacking the Principal of Mary E Pigotts Christopher Roberts
Samuel is currently on remand at His Majesty’s Prison after Magistrate Joanne Walsh denied bail on Monday.
The single father was charged with battery and malicious damage.
Robinson said a decision to deny his client bail was “reckless” saying that “bail in these cases is usually granted except in cases where the defendant is a flight risk, or there are fears that he would interfere with a witness or recommit the crime”
But he said on Monday the Magistrate “only inquired of where the alleged incident took place. After she learned that it happened on the school compound, she denied bail to the defendant”
Robinson said he intends to make use of new systems implemented recently “where a person who is unable to pay legal fees applies to the court for bail, as an indigent”.
But Samuel may not be able to get his second bail hearing heard according to Robinson, since judges are reportedly abroad attending a training program,
Samuel has said, through his attorney that he acted on emotions when he attacked principal Roberts
He said he was frustrated after his, a fifth grader was suspended from school and attempts to speak with the principal failed.
The system keeps failing it’s people. If he’s a single parent what happens to his child/children? We need on both sides to stop letting our emotions get the better of us.
That parent was very wrong but frustration from not getting satisfaction from the principal can trigger heat in anyone of us, but the judge to me act and sentence out of emotions and sympathy for the teacher without any rationality and that’s a failure for me. I’m glad time is a healer
1 order
What the father does is very wrong, but for a man to call himself man of God is attitude sucks, that man will drive pass you morning noon and night and don’t pip his horn or say gm and you live in the same community where he live , when he looks at you like he hate people, I SAID WHAT I SAID IT THE FACT
It’s funny how you’re under here under an alias instead of your real name. So everybody he passes in the village he must tell howdy??? Saying hello goes both ways.
Have you guys seen the interviews of the paper children and what they said happened.. only when we are in the kitchen we feel the heat.. the small clips I saw with those kids probably as a single mother I would have reacted the same…. always 3 sides to a story.. yours, mines and the correct side