Editorial Staff
14/03/23 14:04

Editorial Staff
14/03/23 14:04

New clinic for Bolans and environs

The Ministry of Education has received the keys to a purposed-built new clinic that will benefit residents of Bolans and other communities.

The facility located on Valley Road will replace the structure that existed before.

Housing Minister Maria Bird Browne understands how important the facility is to the people of Bolans and its environs.

“Further down the road a few miles away in Johnsons Point, we would have visited that facility recently and we would have seen that it is in a state of disrepair. It is not in any condition conducive to an everyday work environment. And so as a ministry, we will continue to support the Ministry of Health” Browne said at a ceremony yesterday

She also gave a further commitment to ensuring all clinics around the island are comfortable and safe for all.

“We will continue to ensure that our clinics are spaces that are not only safe but are comfortable for all, especially the staff and of course, the patients who will grace their halls. In addition, the ministry remains deeply rooted in the mandate to ensure that we work in good synergy with other ministries as well, including the ministry responsible for law enforcement,” she added.

Several upgrades according to Browne will be made to some police stations as well.

“And so, this is an overall mandate brought to the people of Antigua and Barbuda by this administration. And we remain deeply rooted in it and we remain true to the cause. So today, I’m very, as the minister with responsibility for works to be here to officially hand over the keys to the Ministry of Health,” she added.

Browne also spoke about some beautification around the clinic.

“National housing will be planting several trees, both fruit and ornamental, to give it an overall better appeal and aesthetically inviting environment. There is also an outstanding issue as it pertains to the cistern, and we are going to be seeing a donation by Senator Samantha Marshall, for some tanks to be donated this week to the facility so that they’ll be able to occupy as soon as possible,” Browne added.

Meanwhile, Health Minister Molwyn Joseph says the newly built clinic represents tangible evidence that this government is putting in place the infrastructure for the people of Antigua and Barbuda.

“It was just this morning that I had a meeting with the representative of the Pan American Health Organization, a very good meeting. And we have emphasized to PAHO that we are going to bolster community health care in Antigua and Barbuda. You see, the issue of health care is like a pyramid, and the community is at the bottom of the pyramid where we really should be spending most of the money,” Joseph said.

According to the health minister, every healthcare facility that is built from this point on must include diagnostic equipment.

“Not only are we interested in taking your blood pressure and taking the vitals, but the building out of our health care infrastructure requires that from now on, just about every new facility will be like a polyclinic,” Joseph added

Saying, “we have suffered for a long time in being able to provide comprehensive healthcare service at the community level. The area of the South will benefit from a polyclinic. We are advocating for a polyclinic. This clinic, though, will be providing some of the services of a polyclinic like dental service and we are going to be putting in a few diagnostic equipment in this country,” he assured


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