A 27-year-old woman from Ottos is part of an active investigation after she stormed into a man’s home in Vernon’s at almost midnight and smashed just about anything she could find.
According to reports, the man called the Parham Police Station asking that they come to his assistance because someone was in his house “breaking his things”
Police reported that when they arrived at the home of the man, they realized broken glasses and other fixtures and electrical appliances on the living room floor.
Police said they also heard someone crying and when they approached the bedroom, they met the young woman. She was weeping outside the door which had a hole, large enough that her hands could go through it.
The investigator said he observed the man who made the report was holding unto the woman’s hands as she cried.
The woman according to the police arrived at the man’s home at 12:15 a.m. and was banging on the door and other parts of the house to get inside.
As the man opened the door according to reports, the woman forced herself inside and a scuffle ensued.
The man went and locked himself in his room and according to reports, the woman then began breaking items, taking a block, and smashing a hole in the door.
The woman was removed from the house by police. Investigation continues
A jilted lover. Rass lol
So she was just removed from the house? She na get lock up? Ok…….alright. I wonder what would have happened to the guy if he did that to her home? Her ass should have been arrested and locked up.
Domestic violence! Again ! Boss you did the right thing hold her hands and make peace but again domestic violence has a progressive pattern and without intervention like counseling and the law things can get fatal so work with her and see that she gets help .
Dude the law protects women not men you suppose to know that by now
A broken heart.
A broken woman.
The pain is what acts out.
Guard your hearts with all diligence Prov. 4:23
And yes. Taken in to custody.
More in mortar than the pistle
Antiguan women not used to dem knuckle yet? After destroying the man’s home she was escorted off the property?
Wow sounds like this brother knew he was in the wrong and decided not to press charges.
This paper needs to publish names so I know who not to date.
In the wrong? You fuh real? No matter what went down no one has the right to destroy another’s property deliberately!!!