Editorial Staff
26/03/23 22:33

Editorial Staff
26/03/23 22:33

Student manual to be launched today

A manual designed to guide students holistically will be launched on Monday by the Ministry of Education.

The Positive Behavior Management (PBM) Teachers’ Manual with the accompanying students’ workbook will coincide with Education Month activities, under the theme: Building Forward Better.

The ceremony will also signal the official piloting of the resources in six schools; four primary and two secondary schools

A key goal of PBM according to education officials is to encourage all individuals’ adults and children to engage in positive behavior.

The manual, and accompanying student workbooks for primary and secondary students, highlight the competencies required to demonstrate, integrate and sustain such behavior, according to education officials.

“It also provides guidance, strategies, and lesson plans for these 12 competencies which will help students to become productive, responsible, respectful, and caring citizens. The competencies include self-awareness, self-esteem, empathy, showing care and compassion, communication skills, responsibility critical thinking, decision-making, managing oneself in the online space, motivation, self-care, and self-regulation,” a statement from the ministry of education stated.

This is not the first time that educators are receiving guidance in PBM, as over the last few years, the Ministry of Education in collaboration with UNICEF trained many groups of stakeholders in PBM.

Included in the list are: at least 80% of teachers and principals in public schools, teacher educators, school bus operators, librarians, ancillary staff, parents/parent coordinators, non-governmental organizations, and students.

And, in 2019, the Ministry developed a series of PBM messages which are being broadcast.

“Despite such efforts, there is a need to continuously provide support in the area of PBM. The most recent report from UNICEF (2019) reveals that there has been a decline in the use of PBM strategies in schools when compared to 2014. Notwithstanding, many students from both primary and secondary schools reported that teachers were using PBM strategies. A decline in the use of other alternatives to non-positive means of dealing with misbehavior was also noted,” the statement added.


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