Editorial Staff
06/09/24 05:57

Editorial Staff
06/09/24 05:57

Halo Foundation Launches New Initiative to Tackle Youth Violence

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Cuthbert Forbes Jnr

By Aabigayle McIntosh

A local non-profit organization, the Halo Foundation, is thinking outside the box and taking a proactive approach to address violence against youth with the launch of a new initiative called “Blue.”

The aim of this new arm is to confront the issues affecting the nation’s youth, particularly at a time when criminal activity among this demographic is a growing concern.

Cuthbert Forbes Jnr, Public Relations Officer of Halo Foundation Generation Y, explains that the initiative seeks to identify and address the root causes of aggression among young people.

“Often, we attribute youth violence to peer pressure or substance use, not recognizing that young people also experience significant stress, including depression and anxiety,” said Forbes Jnr.

He added that Blue will collaborate with the foundation’s Big Brother Big Sister program to provide vital support to young people.

“We need to address the factors stressing our youth and see how we can intervene before it escalates. This new arm, Blue, aims to spread awareness and offer support in tandem with our existing programs,” he stated.

1 Comment

  1. Auntie Agnis

    Awesome, it shows that all along society keeps opportunities for youths under their belts!! I guess it’s right when they say“government does nothing to curve youth violence”… I can now give them the trophy they deserve! Let’s drift towards a better, healthy n safe Antigua!


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