Editorial Staff
20/09/24 08:02

Editorial Staff
20/09/24 08:02

PM Browne: Government to discontinue support and protection of “uncooperative poultry farmers”

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Government to discontinue support and protection of “uncooperative poultry farmers” – PM Browne


Prime Minister Gaston Browne made this statement on his social media outlet moments ago:

“In the absence of an agreement; our government will be forced to discontinue the protections and support for these uncooperative poultry farmers.

The increase of $2.00 will bring the wholesale price of eggs to $14; an increase of 40 percent in two years. The retail pride of eggs will increase to $18-19 per dozen, putting one of the most significant sources of protein beyond the affordability of the poor and vulnerable.

If we do not stop this developing egg cartel that is unjustifiably increasing the costs of eggs, we will be faced with other frivolous increases in the near future.

The egg market will be opened.

The forty percent duties and taxes on imported eggs and import permits will be eliminated and no further support or subsidies will be given to these poultry farmers. Our government subsidies costs to lower prices, not to inflate profits.

The subsidies were designed to drive down costs to keep egg prices affordable for all, especially poor and vulnerable.

The poultry industry will be regulated by a Poultry Development Board that will be responsible for setting egg prices and to monitor the sanitary and phytosanitary conditions of poultry farms, to reduce the escalating incidences of salmonella and other microbial diseases.

Farms that do not satisfy these conditions will be closed in protection of consumers.

We have been advised that under the new dispensation that imported eggs can retailed for $12.50 per dozen, compared to $19.00 per dozen.”


  1. Faithful national #1

    Good! Let’s see who will be the first to blink. If eggs can be sourced cheaper elsewhere then so be it. Often, when CARTELS receive one concession after another, they become deluded into believing that they have all the power to dictate the status quo. Withdraw their concessions, let them function like any normal just-for-profits capitalists and see how they fare. The day when any government chooses to align itself with any private, capitalist venture, against the interests of its people, it is time to have them removed. This applies to both government AND Opposition pretenders.

  2. gassy

    Lol so wait what really happening here. Is this because the farmers say that they do not know what the Administration about?

  3. Antigua Patriot

    Ah you too mucking wicked. Everything going up and you want to keep raising prices of food. Please stop it. Just ridiculous

  4. Wodowow

    Get it done Uncle Gassy. You are the World Boss show them how it is done me General. I understand thing are getting hard for evertone but there must be an understanding or middle ground.

  5. Antiguan Patriot

    Cant believe these people behaving like this. They are unreasonable. I agree with previous commenter.


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