Editorial Staff
02/01/23 14:06

Editorial Staff
02/01/23 14:06

ABLP responds to Asot Michael’s New Year’s Day Message

Asot Michael will contest elections as an Independent candidate

Press Statement 

The Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party has noted a so-called “New Year’s Day Message” from Mr. Asot Michael, carried by the online publication, Antigua News Room, with which he has an intimate relationship.

Mr. Michael is notorious for many incidents of public misbehaviour.  He is also well-known for his capacity to portray himself as a person with clean hands while spreading false statements about others – that is his trademark.  He has also been the subject of police investigations overseas, including in the United Kingdom.

Due to all these activities, Mr. Michael was severed from the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) – an event that spoils his political ambitions.   He has only been elected as the parliamentary representative for St. Peter, in the past, because he ran on an ABLP ticket.

It is known that, since his separation from the ABLP, Mr. Michael has turned to funding the UPP and has adopted their tactic of trying to smear the ABLP leader, Prime Minister Gaston Browne.

In his latest act of collaboration with the UPP, and in return for the promise of a big Ministerial position, Mr. Michael has become an attack dog for the UPP. Therefore, he spewed a tirade of cheap insinuations, unfounded allegations and clear falsehoods against the ABLP leader.

The ABLP exposes Mr. Michael’s rants as nothing more than sour grapes by a flawed personality who has sold his soul to the UPP and adopted their political playbook of attacking the Prime Minister.


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