Elvis Francois is attended by Colombian Navy members after he was rescued near the department of La Guajira, in the extreme north of Colombia. According to the Navy, the 47-year-old from Dominica said he had been adrift for 24 days in the Caribbean Sea after he was repairing a boat last December near the island of Sint-Maarten in the Netherlands Antilles. (Colombian Navy press office via AP)
Heinz, the American food processor, famous for its ketchup and other canned and bottled foods is seeking the public’s help to locate Dominican Sailor Elvis Francois who survived at sea for 24 days eating only ketchup, packets of garlic powder, and Maggi cubes.
The US company used its social media pages to send out messages asking the public to help locate Francois.
“We need your help tracking down an amazing man with an amazing story. You may remember Elvis Francois as the brave sailor who survived on nothing but ketchup and spices while adrift at sea for 24 days. Well, Heinz wants to celebrate his safe return home and help him buy a new boat… but we can’t seem to find him. So, we’re setting this message adrift into the sea of the internet, because if anyone can help us find him, it’s you. If you or anyone you know can help us, get in contact with Elvis Francois, please drop us a DM,” they wrote.
Heinz said it reached an impasse after reaching out to the Dominican Government, the Colombian navy, and several people claiming to be Francois.
Dominicans claim on social media that they have been assisting Heinz to find Francois but they warned that it may take some time as islanders are currently engaged in Carnival festivities.
Last December currents swept Francois’s boat out to sea while he was making repairs off the island of St Martin.
The 47-year-old reported at the time that while he attempted to contact family, he lost his cell phone signal and his boat drifted further into the ocean until it was spotted by a vessel a Colombian Navy patrol plane.
A merchant ship later rescued Francois 120 nautical miles northwest of La Guajira, Colombia. When he was found, he was reported to be in good health.