Dear 268 Let’s Talk
My best friend and I have been very close for over 14 years. I moved to Miami recently from Antigua hoping to start a better life for myself.
Our friendship hasn’t changed. I know everything about her and we talk almost everyday. I have been avoiding her calls for the past few days because I saw her husband in Miami with another woman.
They were at the mall shopping and they did not look like friends to me. They were holding hands and being very affectionate. If you know malls in Miami, so I trailed him without him seeing me at all. Besides he was too focused on his female companion to see anything around him.
The last time we spoke she told me he was attending a conference in Toronto and will be out for one week. He lied to her.
I realize he paid for the stuff the young lady bought. I presume they were on a shopping spree.
No woman loves their husband like my best friend. She worships the ground that he walks on so I know telling her would destroy her. She would fall apart. She would be in shambles. They are well known people in Antigua.
Should I tell my best friend what I saw and run the risk of hurting her? or should I just leave it alone? I don’t know what to do.
Concerned Friend
Dear Concerned Friend
Knowing this information and even witnessing it has placed you in a difficult position but history has proven that usually, women know when they have to know.
Most friends would have already taken a photo and sent it to their friend via WhatsApp but because you understand how this will affect your friend, you have chosen not to. You are one of her loyal friends and sometimes loyalty may mean protecting her from this news for now.
Also, take into consideration that most women stay in marriages even after and surprisingly during an affair so essentially, it’s not a given that she’s going to thank you for the information and leave her husband the next day.
Think of the implications for her and even your friendship if you decide to tell her.
Sometimes the messenger becomes the bad one. Be careful
268 Let’s Talk
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Stay out. You should not have even follow them so that you could gotten more information. It is just burdening you more. It is not your business to know or even seek any information or pass any judgement.
You are being an extremely good friend so far. Continue to stay out.
The Adviser.
If this lady were my best friend and didn’t tell me what she saw I would be upset with her because not only is my husband lying to me by commission, but my friend by omission. Both would be robbing me of the ability to choose.
Antigua is a small country, and I believe the wife already knows about her husband infidelity from other people. No one treats on their partner in Antigua and either party don’t know.