Editorial Staff
18/04/23 20:29

Editorial Staff
18/04/23 20:29

Bahamian minister will support criminalization of marital rape

Minister of Works Alfred Sears

At least one minister within the Bahamas government has said that he will fully support amendments to the Sexual Offences Act when it will be brought before Parliament soon.

Minister of Works Alfred Sears is the one making that claim, ahead of a decision to criminalize marital rape in the Bahamas

“When the debate comes before Parliament, I can state as the Member of Parliament for Port Charlotte that I support the criminalization of rape in any circumstance,” he told reporters in an interview today.

The minister was pressed to give further comment as some Parliamentarians have been mixed in their response to amending the law to protect women from being sexually abused in their marriage.

Currently, discussions are being held about the looming amendments and reports are that members of the public are split on it, especially among religious leaders

These leaders believe that rape cannot occur between a husband and wife.


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