Editorial Staff
18/04/23 09:56

Editorial Staff
18/04/23 09:56

WATCH: Police seize church container allegedly with guns

Jason Grogg and his family

Police in Dominica are investigating a situation that led to the arrest of an American missionary and the seizure of his 40-foot container.

Reports from Roseau is that guns were found among the supplies in the container belonging to Jason Grogg who was affiliated to the Feed My Sheep church organization in Dominica.

Feed My Sheep has since released a statement disassociating themselves with Grogg

Feed My Sheep is a non-profit, Youth & Crisis center, located in Mahaut, Dominica.

They said the US national arrived in Dominica as a volunteer to the church but became abusive to the members of the church and had fraudulent tendencies.

The container which read “Christ or Chaos” has been searched by police who are expected to reveal the rest of its contents to the media during a press conference today.


  1. Anonymous

    The absolute wolf in sheep’s clothing. He should be charged with the full extent of the law.

  2. Royal

    The article’s title says it was the church’s container. Yet in the story, you all are saying the container belonged to Mr. Grogg. Which one is it? Or does having church in the title draw more people to this article?

  3. Little Johnny

    This is just like the movie THIRLD WORLD COP where criminals sending charity barrels to a church with guns in the bottom of the barrel. They would clear the barrels for the church and remove the guns before giving the barrels to the church. This man is another Jim Jones. I don’t think the church is associated with him he is on a mission. The lady who rented him her house he seized the woman house and refuse to leave

  4. Anonymous

    Strange things are happening in the World these days. The end times

  5. Nancy Drew

    The truth is he went to Dominica to do missions work but took ONE GUN to protect his teenage girls and family, moving to a foreign country with no protection against assault or attack. It was wrong yes, and he will pay the price. But he was no guns smuggler by any means. Just a family man thinking of his family’s well being as they uprooted to a foreign land. Yes he might have had a little ammo for said gun but he was not an arms dealer. Such sensational misinformation here.

    • Another Island

      And you absolutely believe what you have said there? Will a Dominican be able to just bring a gun to protect their self and their children in the USA! We in the OECS, CARICOM have a gun problem and when people affiliated to church START TO BRING GUNS, those fly by night churches should not be allowed by Caribbean Gov’t anyway! We black people have suffered long enough under slavery, church and everything else that white people with bad mind come up with. He should be jailed for life. And throw out the church while Dominica is at it. DEPORT THEM.


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