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Prime Minister Gaston Browne
Following his meeting in Panama, Prime Minister Gaston Browne is adamant that strengthening trade relationships between Latin America and Antigua and Barbuda must become a priority.
PM Browne mentioned on the Browne and Browne show that tapping into these markets will not only positively impact our economy, but it will also help the country to not be so dependant on other larger markets.
“Again, we are so small as independent nations that we need to have partnerships, we need to better integrate our efforts. The integration needs to be going beyond Caricom. We need to be trading with South America like Brazil in particular who have very good products and products at a reasonable price and if we can develop better trading links within this region then it reduces some of the existential geo-political threats we have to face. A need for an integrated approach is very important,” PM Browne said.
He admitted that the language barrier may have been a set back in the past as to why these trade links weren’t focused on, but he relented that it is a necessary move to continue to strengthen bilateral relations.
Already Antigua and Barbuda is making moves to strengthen that relationship in Panama.
PM Browne and Executive President of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, Sergio Diaz-Granados Guida signed two agreements on the margins of a special ministerial session in Panama focused on Accelerating Development Financing for the Caribbean: Agility, Flexibility, Impact, paving the way for Antigua and Barbuda becoming a full member of the bank.
The two men signed an Agreement on Immunities, Exemptions and Privileges and an Agreement on Ordinary Capital Share Subscriptions on the margins of the inaugural International Economic Forum of Latin America and the Caribbean 2025.
In May of last year, on the margins of the Small Island Developing States SIDS Summit here in Antigua and Barbuda, Prime Minister Browne and Executive President Guida commenced the process of admitting Antigua and Barbuda to the bank, which has an asset base of over US $70 Billion dollars.
We are fully engaged into the Syrian and Chinese markets sir. Now we are adding the Spanish? Bravo
Mr. Prime minister this is a straight no nonsense question to you..Are you paving a way for us to become a member of this bank so that my country can benefit economically, bilaterally, etc, etc?… Or is it because of their seventy million dollars U.S. asset base some of which you would like to get your hands on to squander?? .. just asking