Editorial Staff
19/02/25 11:24

Editorial Staff
19/02/25 11:24

Defence Force Welcomes 27 New Recruits in Basic Training Course

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Twenty-seven new recruits began their military journey as the Antigua and Barbuda Defence Force (ABDF) launched its first Basic Recruit Course of 2025 at Camp Blizzard on Sunday.

The Basic Recruit Course 2025-01 (BRC 25-01) ceremony was led by Major T. Lake, who provided the opening introduction. Lieutenant Che’vaughn Pigott, serving as Course Officer, introduced the training team that will guide the new recruits. The team consists of ten experienced ABDF soldiers, including a mix of Sergeants, Corporals, Lance Corporals, and one Private.

Chief of Defence Staff Brigadier Telbert Benjamin officially opened the course, addressing the group about their upcoming responsibilities.

The recruits now begin what has been described as “a challenging and rewarding journey” as they prepare to “emerge as proud defenders of Antigua and Barbuda.”

The course represents the first step in transforming these civilians into military personnel through what promises to be a period of “discipline, dedication, and excellence” in their training.


  1. Stone

    You also need to train or teach them about conflict resolution. It’s very lacking in our police and defence forces. Not being trained in such has caused many of their confrontations with the public to get out of hand.

  2. Wanting

    What happened to the defence force people involved in the death of that man?


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