Editorial Staff
06/03/25 08:50

Editorial Staff
06/03/25 08:50

Cabinet Discussion Focuses on Enhancing Food Security through Agricultural Innovations

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(Photo Source: Food.org)

The Cabinet recently convened a meeting that brought together officials from the Ministry of Agriculture and a local farmer to address pressing issues related to food security in the region. 

Over a working lunch, discussions centered on boosting the production of poultry, meats, eggs, fruits, and vegetables to meet the growing food demands of the population.

A key topic was the urgent need for farmers to invest in water storage solutions due to the increasing uncertainty of climate conditions, marked by frequent droughts and floods. 

The shifting patterns of rainfall brought on by global climate change underscore the importance of capturing rainwater and runoff. To achieve this, the Cabinet identified the construction of various small and large dams as a critical infrastructure project for farms across the region.

Despite being self-sufficient in egg production, there are concerns regarding the future costs of chicken feed, which are expected to rise.

As a proactive measure, the Cabinet emphasized the importance of local production of poultry feed to help stabilize prices and support local farmers.

In addition to these initiatives, the Cabinet plans to keep promoting backyard gardening and enhancing food production throughout the country as vital strategies to bolster food security.
A notable project on the horizon includes revitalizing the abandoned coconut plantation in Barbuda, which will be transformed into productive agricultural land in collaboration with the Barbuda Council.

These discussions reflect the Cabinet’s commitment to safeguarding food security while adapting to the challenges posed by climate change and economic pressures on local agriculture.


  1. Jezz

    Why would you use that image? A White hand holding all the sustenance, with Black hands open in supplication! ARE YOU NOT AWARE THAT THIS IS THE WAY THE WORLD SEES US? Why feed into such negative tropes? Please be more responsible with your messaging!!!

    • Antigua Surf

      You seem to come from a Racist life. A picture doesn’t only depicts what you want it to be circled around. What important is the heading of the story. But if you wanna talk about negativity and racism. Let’s see how the Government we always give the rights to run our country only gives hands to high colored people and not us African Heritage colored people

    • Teacher for Life

      JEZZ , thank you because I came here to say the exact same thing. A picture is worth a thousand words….The audacity of this image suggesting that blacks are dependent on whites for our survival. The unmittigated gall!!! Do better editors or lose me as a patron.

  2. Petty

    Lol i am now looking at the image. People are so weird. A white hand? Really? Jesus help mankind. Anyway now back to the story…Good work government.

  3. Walter

    We need fo fix the water problem before we can talk about food security. We have alot of ideas on what to plant but no watttaaaaaaa deh

  4. Donna

    We need to save our agricultural lands for farming and bring back manufacturing.

    • Teacher for Life

      Donna, I totally agree.

  5. Robert

    step in the right direction. More discussions like this needs to be had as we aim in becoming a more resilient country.

  6. Ghetto Yute


  7. TRUTH

    Bring back the factories we had before and support locals.


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