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A man who thought it was a good idea to play the role of a knapsack bandit right out in front of the Baptist Academy of Antigua is gearing up for some serious consequences today. Devon Byam, who clearly missed the memo about “don’t take stuff that isn’t yours,” is waiting to hear his fate after confessing to the grand crime of larceny involving a Kipling knapsack.
On March 7, around 3:30 p.m., while the brave little student was off showing her soccer skills on the playing field, Byam walked onto the school grounds where he spotted the unattended school bag.
Upon the students return from the field, she found her bag missing.
It contained some very important items—like economics and math textbooks! Total loss? A whopping $1,715!
A teacher was alerted, and security cameras proved that Byam was, in fact, the not-so-sneaky thief.
They found a few of the stolen items alongside Byam, who was having a bad day of his own. He claimed he was just frustrated about not getting paid and “left the stuff at the side of the road.” But apparently, he took a shining bottle of perfume with him.
Devon, awaits his sentence.
Dramatic writer I see. lol. These people don’t know to see and leave. Stealing even a students belonging? Yall see how the child belongings were all recovered? All schools should be equipped with security cameras. The government won’t take that into consideration anyway……. Antigua surf over and out
He probably did it to get on line.. what else can I say, desperation??? Maybe..
Hmmmmmm. I hope he sentenced for some good years and also charged some good money. The only way they will learn to leave people belongings…..
Devon, boy… you shoulda put all that energy into a job instead of robbing people. SMH. It’s sad to see we share the same first name.
Well, time for he to face the music. You can’t rob people and think you go just walk free. Hope the judge give him a sentence that match the crime. Too much repeat offenders out here.
Somebody must know why he turn to crime, but still everybody has choices. Sigh, people tired of these bandits. Time to make an example outta he. Nonsense.
That place too hard and people working too hard for their stuff for these thief’s to think they can just rob us and get away with it. Hope he lawyer don’t try come with no sob story. People need to take responsibility for their actions. Antigua small, people know what you doing. You can’t be a bandit forever. TIME ARYOU STOP NOW
I had a similar encounter, where I took my child to after class…. When I arrived to collect him I forgot to lock my car, by the time I return my hand bag and his school bag was gone. It was such a good thing that I had to pay for his after classes so I had my purse which contains all my money. We later got the bag when a nearby house camera picked up everything. Then there’s the guy walking with my son’s bag in his back……
Well, he play stupid games, now time to collect he prize.
Imagine walking ‘bout minding you business and somebody wid a knapsack robbing you. Smh. Pure Shit
Is like crime getting worse every day. Them young man need to find better things to do. All now so, people still waiting to hear if he working alone or is a whole crew. I don’t understand why not look for work or something constructive to do.
LMAO… Well, he had his fun. Now he go see if prison life sweet. Some of these young man really throwing away their life for small change.
Byam is not very smart. Sorry to say. But stealing from students is really low!
Well well well. That STORY was indeed exaggerated. Had the stollen items been in the region of ten thousands you may have had to invent some words to detail the seriousness of the crime and consequences.
It was a good laugh though
It was a funny write up to a serious matter. I dont know if putting him in jail to eat my money would be the right thing. Give him a job. Many many grass around communities needs cutting. Some community work would be good. MURDERERS WALKING in Antigua. Give the man a break