Editorial Staff
16/02/23 15:27

Editorial Staff
16/02/23 15:27

Trudeau pledges $1.8M to target drug and human trafficking in the Caribbean

Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston Browne and other Caribbean leaders speak with Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at meeting in the Bahamas

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has pledged $1.8M towards tackling illicit human trafficking in the Caribbean.

Trudeau told CARICOM leaders in Nassau, that criminal elements are becoming more sophisticated across the region and greater support is needed to stop the flow of illicit drugs, arms, and human trafficking

“So, Canada will provide 1.8 million dollars to target illicit drug trafficking and strengthen border and maritime security in the Caribbean. Together we can build a safer and better future for people in our countries and the world”, he said.

He said there is a long list of things that CARICOM and Canada must continue to work on together, many of them are urgent

“We must deliver on climate action, we must find new opportunities for businesses and workers and grow our economies and above all, we must put people at the center of everything we do and build a future where everyone sees opportunities for themselves, their kids and their grandkids”, he said.

Meanwhile, Trudeau told CARICOM leaders that they need to be integral leaders in the Haitian crisis, including through convening political dialogues and rallying partners around the globe to provide much-needed assistance for Haiti

Trudeau also pledged $10M to support International Office on Migration, to strengthen the protection and resilience of Haitian women and children along the Haiti/Dominican border

He said his government will also pledge another $12.3M in humanitarian assistance

“Together with CARICOM, Canada and international partners can help Haitians bring an end to the crisis and build a better and more hopeful future for their country,”

Antigua and Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston Browne and Foreign Affairs Minister E.P Chet Green are attending the meeting.

1 Comment

  1. Anonymous

    Hmmm, when they done rake in trillions of $ off of drugs they want to fight the small man bueno pledging $1.8m. To who? Not Guyana cause he had better check the leaders of Guyana b4 handing over any funds


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