Editorial Staff
17/02/23 10:53

Editorial Staff
17/02/23 10:53

Sir Robin sworn in as Deputy Speaker

Sir Robin Yearwood sworn in as Deputy Speaker

After much chatter about whether Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party MP Sir Robin Yearwood would accept the Deputy Speaker position, he was officially sworn into that position in Parliament moments ago.

Sir Robin is the most senior member of the ABLP and has been a parliamentarian for 47 years.

Sir Gerald Watt has been re-elected as Speaker of the House.


  1. Anonymous

    Congratulations Sir Robin Yearwood! Kudos to you. They were looking for destabilization but peace prevailed.

  2. Debbie Desurey Arielle Daveigh Devron

    Congratulations Daddy. We Love you and we support your decision 100%. Five more years.


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