Editorial Staff
17/04/23 08:55

Editorial Staff
17/04/23 08:55

Nurses threaten industrial action

Nurses during protest 2018 (File Photo)

Nurses on the island are threatening to stage industrial action this week if their concerns are not addressed in three days.

Health Minister Molwyn Joseph was placed on notice about the nurse’s intentions in a letter dated April 12th, 2023.

The President of the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association (ANBA) said in the letter that nurses and patients feel disrespected and disregarded by the government’s lack of attention to their plight.

“ABNA’s president letter delivered to your office dated March 17th, 2023 concerned our membership regarding the delay in installing a new Board of Directors for the Sir Lester Bird Medical Center, affecting the negotiations process and patient care. Sir you have not extended the common courtesy to respond via telephone or even letter,” the letter stated

ABNA recalled that at a meeting on February 13, 2023, which included the Permanent Secretary and Deputy as well as members of ABNA executive members, the dire situation of the clinic, in particular, All Saints, Clare Hall, and Johnsons Point was discussed.

“ABNA members continue to work in unsatisfactory conditions at the clinics. Their tolerance and patients have run out and they are tired of promises that are not kept and tired of working under those conditions that you, Sir, would not work in” the letter states.

“ABNA is therefore serving you notice that it is engaging its membership in considering actions to show the displeasure of what we view as a total disregard and utter disrespect for Nurses and patients”

To this end, ABNA is giving you, Sir, one week to respond to our concern before we start the process of industrial action.

The entire membership of the nurse’s association will be meeting on Thursday this week from 3 p.m. at the nurse’s headquarters on Queen Elizabeth Highway.


  1. Mae

    They get the government they asked for. With all the revenue collected under the ABLP administration from the CIP, the CIP that they were against from the beginning. The CIP rake in billions in revenue, according to the Top Dog and we yet to see it in the economy. Nurses, teachers, police, even infrastructure, water need improvement, etc all are crying for tools to work with and better working conditions. Some of the billions in revenue should have use to improve those conditions. The only thing that benefits from that revenue is the enrollment scheme.

    • Chubby

      You forget CIP money going toward the Alfa Nero now? This govt need a revamping and ridding itself of all issues…. Cutie and legal crap, Darryl and education and now Molwyn and health….what next?

      • Jay

        How’s the CIP money going towards the Alpha Nero?? Just asking

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