Editorial Staff
19/09/24 05:32

Editorial Staff
19/09/24 05:32

The public reminded smoking in public places is prohibited by law

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The public reminded smoking in public places is prohibited by law

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has made it clear that smoking in public places is against the laws of Antigua and Barbuda.

During the debate on the Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill this week Browne said he was clarifying what appears to be a misconception by some members of the public even legislators.

“We have observed that those who smoke Cannabis have taken their smoke indiscipline too far. We have had incidents in which individuals have gone into churches, in sanctuaries, smoking marijuana. And that is why we are now focusing initially on cannabis,” Browne said.

Those caught smoking cannabis in public will be subject to a fine not exceeding $2,000.

The head of government also made it clear that his administration did not legalize the recreational use of cannabis.

“The closest we have come to it is in the use of cannabis for sacramental purposes. Mr. Speaker, the other use is for medicinal purposes, which should be controlled and to treat certain ailments. But this idea that my government would liberalize the use of cannabis to the extent that individuals have the right to recreational use of cannabis is not so,” Browne said.


  1. H. E. K. W.

    The same should go for cigarette smokers also. Smoke is smoke

  2. Faithful national #1

    A fair consideration would/should be the creation of smoking areas at public gatherings, especially,for example at sporting events,, fetes or any public event. Smoking in public on the streets should remain a no-no. Let’s get this thing right fron the beginning so that we do NOT appear to be favoring or targeting any particular social or cultural group and get ourselves tied up in all sorts of legal confusion in the courts. There is absolutely no question, however, that smoking in public spaces requires regulation.

  3. Lisa

    Now the damage has been done here comes the clean up crew


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