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PM Gaston Browne
Dear Editor
I don’t even know where to begin with this letter. But as an Antiguan and Barbudan, it is vexing and very concerning to witness the blatant disregard for professionalism within certain public service sectors, especially when those within these departments seem to harbor political grudges that directly affect the citizens seeking assistance.
The situation as it stands is truly alarming and speaks volumes about the disconnect between certain public servants and the very people they are meant to serve.
Just this past Monday, I ventured into a particular government office, hopeful to resolve an issue that had been lingering for some time. As I approached the counter, I was greeted not with a warm smile or even a semblance of welcome but with a look that suggested the employee had indeed woken up on the wrong side of the bed — she might as well have been in a bad mood since the dawn of time! The poor attitude from her was almost palpable, and it was more than just frustrating; it felt like a personal affront.
When I finally mustered the courage to speak to her about my request, the woman’s dismissive tone struck me like a slap in the face. It was as if she was intentionally trying to make my day more difficult. I couldn’t help but ask her, “Isn’t this job you’re doing technically called work?” To my astonishment, she retorted coldly, “Yes, but Gaston Browne never give me dis job yah.” I was taken aback — why was she bringing the Prime Minister into the conversation?
Puzzled, I pressed further, asking how her feelings about her employment or the political landscape influenced her ability to do the job she was being paid to do. She launched into a tirade, lamenting how “Labourites like me think we run the country.”
In that moment, it became painfully clear: her bitterness was rooted not in my actions but in her political beliefs, and she was channeling that resentment into her interactions with the public.
But this wasn’t an isolated incident. No, it’s a pattern I’ve witnessed time and again across various government departments. Each experience has left me questioning the very foundation of the services intended to aid the public.
Insulting behavior and a complete lack of decorum have become disturbingly commonplace. It’s as though a handful of employees have taken it upon themselves to wage a personal war against the current government, disregarding their duty to serve the citizens.
This politicization of public service is not only unprofessional but also profoundly damaging to the country at large. Those of us who merely seek the services we are entitled to are left to navigate a minefield of negativity, hostility, and, at times, outright contempt. It’s shocking to think that the very institutions meant to uphold our rights and provide assistance frequently fall prey to political biases.
As a concerned citizen, I implore anyone who cares about the integrity of our public service to examine this troubling trend. It’s time to call attention to the hostile environments being cultivated by disgruntled employees who allow their political affiliations to overshadow their responsibilities.
The government should be a space where everyone is treated with respect, irrespective of their political views. It’s not just a matter of service; it’s a fundamental requirement for a functioning society.
Concerned Citizen
Hahahaha. It is the photo they use. Pm waving. Really? …but that person makes alot of sense. Too many political public servants
There is absolutely no excuse for such poor, low-class conduct in any government office, especially any serving the public The matter should be thoroughly investigated. The culprit should be given a very stern warning , some training if necessary. Any noted or reported repetition should result in an immediate pink slip.
This is absolutely outrageous! It’s one thing to have political opinions, but it’s another to let those opinions impact the way you treat people who are simply trying to get a service. Public servants are there to serve ALL citizens, regardless of political party. There needs to be accountability and better training in these government offices.
The government should have annual customer service workshop or training for all it employees, especially those who have to deal with the public on a daily basis. Most private sector companies have annual customer service and safety training for their employees. The government sector should do the same.
My sentiments exactly Donna.
This is unacceptable be it Government or private sector, now Gaston Brown didn’t put you there sure he can get you out
I have personally encountered rude bad temperedemployees in both private and government positions and have found every experience anxiety triggering and profoundly upsetting. Attitude adjustments by whatever method (s) necessary must be had forthwith in both sectors. I would humbly advise those with foul attitudes: If you don’t want to work stay home and allow others with pleasant dispositions take your position.