Shermain Bique-Charles

No bail for Sukie

No bail for Sukie

Sukie, a popular entertainer from Dominica has been denied bail in Grenada. The 36-year-old whose real name is Shane Edwards was charged over the...

Caribbean told to brace for a wet Xmas

Caribbean residents have been told to brace themselves for a wet Christmas as the region could continue to receive heavy rainfall throughout...

A wonderful display of art

An exhibition at the Multi-Purpose Cultural Center officially kicked off activities to celebrate ArtFest in Antigua and Barbuda. On Monday,...

No bail for Sukie

Sukie, a popular entertainer from Dominica has been denied bail in Grenada. The 36-year-old whose real name is Shane Edwards was charged over the...

Haitian Police Commissioner assassinated

The police department in Haiti is mourning the loss of a top official. News broke on Monday that the Director of the Haitian National Police...

Caribbean told to brace for a wet Xmas

Caribbean residents have been told to brace themselves for a wet Christmas as the region could continue to receive heavy rainfall throughout...

A wonderful display of art

An exhibition at the Multi-Purpose Cultural Center officially kicked off activities to celebrate ArtFest in Antigua and Barbuda. On Monday,...

No bail for Sukie

Sukie, a popular entertainer from Dominica has been denied bail in Grenada. The 36-year-old whose real name is Shane Edwards was charged over the...

Haitian Police Commissioner assassinated

The police department in Haiti is mourning the loss of a top official. News broke on Monday that the Director of the Haitian National Police...